The ULTIMATE 15-IN-1 Bundle For ONLY P299!

Sneak Peak: How Our Coach Teaches His Students:

Unleash Your Potential with the Ultimate 15-in-1 Virtual Assistant Training Course!

Only P15,500

Php 299 today!

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!

How Would You Like to Attend Our 3 DAY VIRTUAL EVENT (From the Comfort of Your Own Home)

How Would You Like to Attend Our 3 DAY VIRTUAL EVENT (From the Comfort of Your Own Home)



Are you ready to elevate your skills and become a virtual assistant extraordinaire? Our comprehensive 15-in-1 Virtual Assistant Training Course is designed to equip you with a diverse set of skills, empowering you to thrive in the dynamic world of online assistance.

Just Show Up Live and You'll be Eligible To Win DAILY Prizes Including Tickets to Peng Joon's Events, 1-on-1 Coaching, & More!



from: peng joon

I can still recall how it all began…

In March 2012, I received a life changing phone call from Success Resources. They were the largest seminar company in the world.

For many years I have been marketing online and I thought doing a presentation was pretty much the same thing.

I thought to myself "As long as I provide great content and value, the audience will be able to make that informed decision and invest in what it is that I have to offer." 

Pretty straightforward, right?

When it was time to make the offer, and I asked them to go to the back tables to invest, nobody moved.

i bombed... hard.

it was weird. it was awkward. it was embarrasing.

It was in this huge expo hall with 900 people and back then things were very different. There was no music, nothing.

I had to walk to the back of the room and it was like the walk of shame. That walk felt like it took forever.

The funny thing was... I had so many people coming up to me after, telling me how great the content was and how inspired they were but nobody bought anything!

That was when I realized that speaking and selling are 2 completely different skills.

As I continued the journey of practicing and learning from the best of the best, I got better.

From totally sucking initially, I sucked less and less. And eventually, I realized hey... I'm pretty good at this!



If there's one thing I've learned in this journey, is that speaking and closing (both online and offline) is a learnable, trainable skill.

If you've ever wanted to discover how to present in a way that's unforgettable, have your audience hanging on your every word, and have them invest in whatever it is that you have to offer at the end, then this LIVE event is for you.

This event will reveal the same strategies that have generated me well over $25MM++ through sales videos, webinars, and live events... and how you can do it too.

"THIS IS NOT THEORY... I've Used These Strategies in Over 20+ Countries..."

I’ve Mastered The Lost Art Of


I’m actually really horrible when it comes to selling one on one. 

But, because I’m able to speak to 100 people…

Or 1,000 people…

Or 10,000 people all at once online, with ONE presentation…

And, because I know how to craft and structure my presentation…

I’m able to make MORE money in a fraction of the time!

When you are selling face-to-face, you have the unique ability to ask specific questions, get their personal feedback, and resolve their objections on-the-spot... right? 

When you’re in a room (or virtual room) you can’t really ask questions and get answers from THOUSANDS of people…  

... so you need to create your presentation in a way that resolves all of their objections for as many people as possible.

Once You Master That, You’ve Mastered


How would you like me to show you EVERYTHING you need to do to create your very own presentation that creates a table rush in YOUR business, plus give you ALL the tools you need (already done)… without paying me $50,000 to walk you through everything?

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It… HERE’S WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY

“If you’re looking to do events, drive traffic, sell products, I highly recommend working with Peng Joon”

– Russell Brunson

“Not only myself but I had my director of events go through Peng Joon’s system. I don’t recommend a lot of people but this system, I highly recommend.”

– Dan Lok

– Dan Lok

“As a direct result of learning with Peng Joon, I actually created my own online training program, The Iron Mastery and the results was overwhelming! Take it from me, he will definitely change your life.”

– Jordan Yeoh

“I was able to crank out a brand new webinar, start to finish, in one night. He made it so easy in a done-for-you way to follow… he gives you actual templates to follow and a video that you play and pause as you go with each slide. I was able to double my close rate in the last webinar I did with his strategy which is huge because I’ve been doing webinars for years. If you’re on the fence, the answer is YES!”

– Molly Kaiser

“That’s Why We Created Table Rush Secrets LIVE”!

It’s a 3-Day Virtual Event To Help You Craft Your Winning Presentation.

These Are The Simple “TABLE RUSH SECRETS” I Use In My Presentations to GENERATE MORE SALES IN 90 MINUTES Than What Some CEOs Make In a Year…

And This Script Is The SAME Script We Use For Our Webinars, Facebook Lives, And Sales Videos To Grow Our Companies At Record Rates…


“But Peng Joon, I Don’t Speak On Stage… What Does All Of This Has To Do With ME!?”



 Pay close attention to this next part…

While it's true that the reality is that most people will never speak in these large stages, the same techniques when it comes to influence, sales, persuasion, and closing still applies whether you want to do it on…

  • LIVE or Automated Webinars...
  • 5 Minute Sales Videos...
  • Selling on Facebook LIVE...

WE HAVE CLIENTS IN EVERY MARKET AND NICHE who are using this SAME framework in their own businesses!

They use it to sell EVERYTHING you can dream of, like:
  • Investing...
  • Pet Supplies...
  • ​Network Marketing…
  • ​Gym Owners…
  • ​Chiropractors...
  • ​Coaching/Consulting...
  • ​Dental...
  • ​Sports/Fitness Training...
  • ​Interior Decorating...
  • ​Affiliate Marketers
  • ​Supplements...
  • ​Real Estate...
  • ​Software...
  • ​Skincare...
  • ​Marketing Agency…
  • ​And many, many more!

Here's the POWERFUL THING you need to know about home-based connect...

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!


Now, one of my fears whenever people see these pictures of me being on stage is this.
If you have never set foot on a stage before, that’s 100% ok… (because you can STILL earn more money speaking than other highly-paid speakers!)

think about it...

Every single day, you’re on some sort of a platform... right?

Sometimes your platform will be having a conversation face-to-face…

Sometimes that platform is negotiating with someone in a meeting…

  • ​Or a podcast...
  • ​Or Instagram...
  • ​Or YouTube...
  • ​Or over the phone...
  • ​Or on a FB LIVE...
  • ​Or a podcast...
  • ​Or Instagram...
  • ​Or YouTube...
  • ​Or over the phone...
  • ​Or on a FB LIVE...

This script I’m going to teach you WORKS IN ANY BUSINESS...

This process works over and over and over again,

  • No matter what market or niche you're in...
  • ​No matter if you're selling from the stage, or a webinar, or on FB LIVE!
  • No matter if you’re shy or introverted like I am

… Even if nobody knows who you are right now!

The 15 courses you get:

#1 - virtual assistant course

valued at p2,000, now p299!

Begin your journey here. This course is tailored for beginners, offering essential assistance.

Start your journey here. This course is tailored for beginners, offering essential assistance. Additionally, we provide certificates, a list of websites, and templates for you.

#2 - ai designing course

valued at p500 , now free!

discover how to harness AI to design effortlessly, just like MidJourney.

Embark on a journey of discovery as you learn the art of effortlessly designing with the power of AI, drawing inspiration from the innovative techniques employed by MidJourney.

#3 - calendar management course

Session 5

valued at p800, now free!

ever wonder how you can setup a fully automated booking system?

Ever pondered on setting up a fully automated booking system? Uncover the solution with ease.

DAY 1:


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

DAY 2:

Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that your customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

DAY 3:

Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

On this day, you'll discover :
  • How to correctly create offers that maximises your earnings per customer… and position it as the next logical choice for deeper value and transformation…
  • ​The “simple test” to see if your offer is working or broken and why 98% of marketers make this mistake…
  • How to create your own “blue ocean” in a highly competitive market and be the category king of your market… leaving your competitors fighting over the leftover scraps…
  • ​​The shockingly simple way to building up to your offer so that your audience understands emotionally and psychologically why your offer is the only logical thing to invest in…
  • ​How to ethically repackage the same offer you have been selling in a different way, that adds NEW value for the customer that they’re willing to pay a higher price for… that genuinely helps them!

DAY 2: Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that you customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

On this day, you’ll be focusing on the proven framework for educating your audience so that it helps your dream customers learn and bring them straight to the result they want! (they will be thanking you for this!)
  • How to get your audience saying “YES” right from the start that shows you the best ways to open and set the presentation for success…
  • ​​Using the "Story Selling Secret" to build trust, credibility, and rapport without being boring, braggy, or making it about you…
  • The different phases you must include in every presentation to create a powerful experience for your customers to keep them moving in your sales process...
  • ​​​Why the "Advanced Seeding" method that will get them into the buying state,  will make all the difference later in the presentation.
  • ​The well-known but little understood direct response technique that sucks audiences in, has them hanging on every word and captivates them through your presentation… so that you can build tremendous value and crush objections at the same time.

DAY 3: Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%

This is what separates good marketers from the legends. On this day you will discover:
  • How to model, apply, and implement different proven closes that is in line with your style, personality, and niche…
  • ​How to get your audience understand psychologically and emotionally, so that you can create an “AHA moment” for them that enables them to sell themselves on the solution you are offering… so that you don’t have to sell anything!
  • What to present right before the upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
  • The script that generates BUYING CHAOS around your close and primes them to buy the second you drop the call to action!
  • ​The languaging pattern you want to incorporate into your entire presentation without memorizing any weird hypnotic NLP scripts.

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!

#4 - chatgpt course

valued at p600, now free!

Whatever your task may be, whether it's designing, crafting copy, creating blogs, and more...

Engage in a multitude of tasks, spanning from creative design and copywriting to blog creation and beyond. Whatever your endeavor, explore the possibilities.

#5 - webinar automation course

valued at p800 , now free!

Automate webinars with ease – create forms, apply tags, and set up automation.

Streamline your webinar process effortlessly by creating user-friendly forms, implementing strategic tags, and setting up automated processes that ensure a smooth and efficient experience for both hosts and participants.

#6 - email marketing course

Session 5

valued at p700, now free!

Automate email campaigns with a guide on fully automated sequences.

Effortlessly streamline your email campaigns with a comprehensive guide on implementing fully automated sequences. Explore the intricacies of creating strategic automation processes, ensuring your email campaigns run seamlessly, saving you time and maximizing efficiency in your communication strategies.

DAY 1:


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

DAY 2:

Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that your customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

DAY 3:

Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

On this day, you'll discover :
  • How to correctly create offers that maximises your earnings per customer… and position it as the next logical choice for deeper value and transformation…
  • ​The “simple test” to see if your offer is working or broken and why 98% of marketers make this mistake…
  • How to create your own “blue ocean” in a highly competitive market and be the category king of your market… leaving your competitors fighting over the leftover scraps…
  • ​​The shockingly simple way to building up to your offer so that your audience understands emotionally and psychologically why your offer is the only logical thing to invest in…
  • ​How to ethically repackage the same offer you have been selling in a different way, that adds NEW value for the customer that they’re willing to pay a higher price for… that genuinely helps them!

DAY 2: Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that you customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

On this day, you’ll be focusing on the proven framework for educating your audience so that it helps your dream customers learn and bring them straight to the result they want! (they will be thanking you for this!)
  • How to get your audience saying “YES” right from the start that shows you the best ways to open and set the presentation for success…
  • ​​Using the "Story Selling Secret" to build trust, credibility, and rapport without being boring, braggy, or making it about you…
  • The different phases you must include in every presentation to create a powerful experience for your customers to keep them moving in your sales process...
  • ​​​Why the "Advanced Seeding" method that will get them into the buying state,  will make all the difference later in the presentation.
  • ​The well-known but little understood direct response technique that sucks audiences in, has them hanging on every word and captivates them through your presentation… so that you can build tremendous value and crush objections at the same time.

DAY 3: Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%

This is what separates good marketers from the legends. On this day you will discover:
  • How to model, apply, and implement different proven closes that is in line with your style, personality, and niche…
  • ​How to get your audience understand psychologically and emotionally, so that you can create an “AHA moment” for them that enables them to sell themselves on the solution you are offering… so that you don’t have to sell anything!
  • What to present right before the upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
  • The script that generates BUYING CHAOS around your close and primes them to buy the second you drop the call to action!
  • ​The languaging pattern you want to incorporate into your entire presentation without memorizing any weird hypnotic NLP scripts.

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!

#7 - funnel building course

valued at p1,500, now free!

Discover how to set up a funnel website in minutes.

Explore the quick and efficient process of setting up a funnel website in just a few minutes. Uncover the steps to create a high-converting online funnel effortlessly.

#8 - creating membership course

valued at p2,000 , now free!

Begin mastering the setup of a fully automated membership site.

Embark on the journey of mastering the setup of a fully automated membership site, delving into the intricacies of seamless user registration, content delivery, and member engagement.

#9 - meta ads course

valued at p1,800, now free!

Discover how to set up Meta ads and implement effective strategies.

Embark on a journey of exploration and learning as you discover the art of setting up Meta ads, diving into the nuanced world of strategic advertising. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and tactics needed to implement effective strategies on the Meta platform, ensuring your advertising campaigns achieve optimal results.

DAY 1:


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

DAY 2:

Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that your customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

DAY 3:

Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

On this day, you'll discover :
  • How to correctly create offers that maximises your earnings per customer… and position it as the next logical choice for deeper value and transformation…
  • ​The “simple test” to see if your offer is working or broken and why 98% of marketers make this mistake…
  • How to create your own “blue ocean” in a highly competitive market and be the category king of your market… leaving your competitors fighting over the leftover scraps…
  • ​​The shockingly simple way to building up to your offer so that your audience understands emotionally and psychologically why your offer is the only logical thing to invest in…
  • ​How to ethically repackage the same offer you have been selling in a different way, that adds NEW value for the customer that they’re willing to pay a higher price for… that genuinely helps them!

DAY 2: Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that you customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

On this day, you’ll be focusing on the proven framework for educating your audience so that it helps your dream customers learn and bring them straight to the result they want! (they will be thanking you for this!)
  • How to get your audience saying “YES” right from the start that shows you the best ways to open and set the presentation for success…
  • ​​Using the "Story Selling Secret" to build trust, credibility, and rapport without being boring, braggy, or making it about you…
  • The different phases you must include in every presentation to create a powerful experience for your customers to keep them moving in your sales process...
  • ​​​Why the "Advanced Seeding" method that will get them into the buying state,  will make all the difference later in the presentation.
  • ​The well-known but little understood direct response technique that sucks audiences in, has them hanging on every word and captivates them through your presentation… so that you can build tremendous value and crush objections at the same time.

DAY 3: Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%

This is what separates good marketers from the legends. On this day you will discover:
  • How to model, apply, and implement different proven closes that is in line with your style, personality, and niche…
  • ​How to get your audience understand psychologically and emotionally, so that you can create an “AHA moment” for them that enables them to sell themselves on the solution you are offering… so that you don’t have to sell anything!
  • What to present right before the upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
  • The script that generates BUYING CHAOS around your close and primes them to buy the second you drop the call to action!
  • ​The languaging pattern you want to incorporate into your entire presentation without memorizing any weird hypnotic NLP scripts.

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!

#10 - canva designing course

valued at p400, now free!

Canva is the key to fast-tracking your design projects.

With its intuitive interface, versatile templates, and powerful features, Canva stands as a paramount tool to propel your creative endeavors, facilitating a swift and efficient design process that caters to your unique vision and requirements.

#11 - chat support course

valued at p600, now free!

Explore chat support freelancing with this quick guide!

Embark on a journey into the realm of chat support freelancing with this comprehensive yet concise guide. This resource will not only introduce you to the fundamentals of chat support but also provide valuable insights, practical tips, and insider knowledge to help you navigate the intricacies of freelancing in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of online customer communication.

#12 - website making course

valued at p2,000, now free!

Master building Shopify and WordPress websites with ease.

Master the effortless creation of Shopify and WordPress websites with this comprehensive guide. Elevate your skills in building visually appealing and functional sites, ensuring you're well-equipped to meet client expectations with confidence and proficiency.

DAY 1:


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

DAY 2:

Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that your customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

DAY 3:

Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

On this day, you'll discover :
  • How to correctly create offers that maximises your earnings per customer… and position it as the next logical choice for deeper value and transformation…
  • ​The “simple test” to see if your offer is working or broken and why 98% of marketers make this mistake…
  • How to create your own “blue ocean” in a highly competitive market and be the category king of your market… leaving your competitors fighting over the leftover scraps…
  • ​​The shockingly simple way to building up to your offer so that your audience understands emotionally and psychologically why your offer is the only logical thing to invest in…
  • ​How to ethically repackage the same offer you have been selling in a different way, that adds NEW value for the customer that they’re willing to pay a higher price for… that genuinely helps them!

DAY 2: Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that you customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

On this day, you’ll be focusing on the proven framework for educating your audience so that it helps your dream customers learn and bring them straight to the result they want! (they will be thanking you for this!)
  • How to get your audience saying “YES” right from the start that shows you the best ways to open and set the presentation for success…
  • ​​Using the "Story Selling Secret" to build trust, credibility, and rapport without being boring, braggy, or making it about you…
  • The different phases you must include in every presentation to create a powerful experience for your customers to keep them moving in your sales process...
  • ​​​Why the "Advanced Seeding" method that will get them into the buying state,  will make all the difference later in the presentation.
  • ​The well-known but little understood direct response technique that sucks audiences in, has them hanging on every word and captivates them through your presentation… so that you can build tremendous value and crush objections at the same time.

DAY 3: Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%

This is what separates good marketers from the legends. On this day you will discover:
  • How to model, apply, and implement different proven closes that is in line with your style, personality, and niche…
  • ​How to get your audience understand psychologically and emotionally, so that you can create an “AHA moment” for them that enables them to sell themselves on the solution you are offering… so that you don’t have to sell anything!
  • What to present right before the upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
  • The script that generates BUYING CHAOS around your close and primes them to buy the second you drop the call to action!
  • ​The languaging pattern you want to incorporate into your entire presentation without memorizing any weird hypnotic NLP scripts.

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.

#13 - chatbot automation course

valued at p1,000 , now free!

Integrate your Facebook page effortlessly with the power of a chatbot.

Effortlessly enhance your Facebook page by seamlessly integrating the power of a chatbot. Streamline communication and engagement with your audience through this powerful and user-friendly automation tool.

#14 - Youtube & tiktok ads course

valued at p500 , now free!

Elevate your advertising skills with TikTok and YouTube ads.

Enhance your advertising prowess with TikTok and YouTube ads. Elevate your campaigns and reach a wider audience through these dynamic platforms.

#15 - social media management course

Session 5

valued at p300, now free!

Master managing your client's page and scheduling posts efficiently.

Become a master at efficiently managing your client's page and scheduling posts. Elevate your social media management skills to streamline content delivery and optimize engagement.

DAY 1:


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

DAY 2:

Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that your customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

DAY 3:

Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%


How to Create an Offer They Cannot Refuse

On this day, you'll discover :
  • How to correctly create offers that maximises your earnings per customer… and position it as the next logical choice for deeper value and transformation…
  • ​The “simple test” to see if your offer is working or broken and why 98% of marketers make this mistake…
  • How to create your own “blue ocean” in a highly competitive market and be the category king of your market… leaving your competitors fighting over the leftover scraps…
  • ​​The shockingly simple way to building up to your offer so that your audience understands emotionally and psychologically why your offer is the only logical thing to invest in…
  • ​How to ethically repackage the same offer you have been selling in a different way, that adds NEW value for the customer that they’re willing to pay a higher price for… that genuinely helps them!

DAY 2: Value Based Upselling

The key to building immense value before you even mention your offer so that you customers are already sold before you even sell anything…

On this day, you’ll be focusing on the proven framework for educating your audience so that it helps your dream customers learn and bring them straight to the result they want! (they will be thanking you for this!)
  • How to get your audience saying “YES” right from the start that shows you the best ways to open and set the presentation for success…
  • ​​Using the "Story Selling Secret" to build trust, credibility, and rapport without being boring, braggy, or making it about you…
  • The different phases you must include in every presentation to create a powerful experience for your customers to keep them moving in your sales process...
  • ​​​Why the "Advanced Seeding" method that will get them into the buying state,  will make all the difference later in the presentation.
  • ​The well-known but little understood direct response technique that sucks audiences in, has them hanging on every word and captivates them through your presentation… so that you can build tremendous value and crush objections at the same time.

DAY 3: Table Rush Closes

How to Master the SKILL SET that Truly Separates the Top 0.1%

This is what separates good marketers from the legends. On this day you will discover:
  • How to model, apply, and implement different proven closes that is in line with your style, personality, and niche…
  • ​How to get your audience understand psychologically and emotionally, so that you can create an “AHA moment” for them that enables them to sell themselves on the solution you are offering… so that you don’t have to sell anything!
  • What to present right before the upsell to virtually guarantee they buy (and you tap into where the REAL money is made)
  • The script that generates BUYING CHAOS around your close and primes them to buy the second you drop the call to action!
  • ​The languaging pattern you want to incorporate into your entire presentation without memorizing any weird hypnotic NLP scripts.

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!

  • Creating a “Godfather Offer” and how to structure any product idea into an offer that your audience absolutely cannot refuse.
  • The proven formula and big picture... Just FILL IN THE BLANKS and watch your presentation write itself!
  • How to get your audience saying “YES” right from the start. Discover the best ways to open a crowd and set the stage for success.
  • The ultra-simple way to hook them to get them to stay all the way till the end.
  • How to make your presentation applicable for your target group of audience and make them feel the absolutely need to continue listening to you.
  • Using the "Story Selling Secret" to build trust, credibility, and rapport without being boring, braggy, or making it about you.
  • ​​Discover the "Concept in a Story" method and how to deliver your key points without being dry or boring.
  • How to own your story and build rapport with the “I Was Once in Your Shoes" section so that you can elegantly share your journey, inspire everyone, and make a difference.
  • ​​Why the "Advanced Seeding" method that will get them into the buying state, that will make all the difference later in the presentation.
  • ​​The 3 things you absolutely want to be covering in your content that differentiates the top 1% from everyone else.
  • Why teaching for the sake of teaching is the fastest way to fail and the way to go about while still being able to inspire and motivate your audience.
  • ​The 3 ways to deliver a product and the ones that generate the highest perceived value that you definitely want to be using.
  • ​​The shockingly simple way to building up to your offer so that your audience understands and remembers what they are getting.
  • ​The difference between amateur speakers and world-class speakers when they reveal the price.
  • How to use the different closes that can be used to suit your style, personality, and niche.
  • How to use "The #1 Mistake" close to getting them to take action rather than going home to try things out on their own.
  • ​​The "How Much Is This Worth If" statement to get them to want to invest in what you have to offer at a higher price than what you are really offering.
  • How to execute "Cost vs Value" close to get them to shift from how much it will cost them to how much it's really worth.
  • How to deliver a guarantee using the "Overdeliver Guarantee" method that makes your offer a no-brainer.
  • ​The secret to getting them to take action now by using the "One Thing You'll Never Get Back" close.
  • How to destroy the "I'll think about it later" objection by using the "If Not Now, When?" close.
  • ​​Using the "Haymaker Bonus" to create a FRENZY table rush. This is something NOBODY else in the world has ever revealed. This part alone is worth your entire investment many times over.
  • ​​The "3 Hit Combo Call to Action" to get your audience to take action and hand you their credit cards.
  • ​​How to use "Multiple Call to Action" to create waves of people rushing to take action, whether it's online or through a live event.
  • ​​The languaging pattern you want to incorporate into your entire presentation without memorizing any weird hypnotic NLP scripts.
  • The 2 most powerful words in persuasion and how you can be using them throughout your presentation.
  • ​​Incorporating "Suggestology" to hook your audience and have them hanging on every word.
  • Why "The Entire Presentation Is a Close" and how to incorporate that into your presentation.
  • ​​The ONE assumption you must have that will make all the difference in your closing ratio.
  • One key phrase that you want to be using so that you can get them to think about the BENEFITS, rather than the features.
  • ​​How to transition to your offer without being awkward with this one sentence you MUST say.
  • How to immediately implement this entire event through sales videos, webinars, or live events through a simple proven process

“But Peng Joon… I DON’T LIKE TO SPEAK OR SELL. I Don’t Want To Be On Webinars Or Facebook Lives…


If this is how you feel, then don’t worry. I know EXACTLY where you’re coming from.


When I first started my business, I never wanted to be doing “this”. This being on stages, on webinars or to be in the limelight.

I just wanted to be behind the scenes and working on my business.

I was that shy, introverted, awkward kid….

I didn’t want to speak!

Back in 2009, I attended a personal development event from Tony Robbins.

This was during a time when I was anonymous online, just marketing products in the gaming market.

But what happened at the end changed my perspective on how marketing can and should work.

At the end of his presentation, I still remember what happened...

He asked the audience if he could make a special offer.

I was as excited as everyone else to see what this offer might be. 

After everyone agreed, he made a special offer for his $15,000 offer.

And what happened next changed my life.

I remember watching people not just walking, but SPRINTING to the back of the room to buy his offer! (including ME!)

Now, if you made the full investment for this offer, you get to go on stage to take this group picture with Tony.

I remember looking around me at everyone else that was on stage and in my head starting to tally up how much sales was generated in the last 15 minutes…




I Realized That He Made Over $585,000 IN THAT 90 MINUTES…

… and this amount didn’t include instalment plans, or deposits or partial payments.

When everything was said and done, there was probably over $1,000,000 in sales generated…

I asked myself, how many ways can an entrepreneur make over $1MM in 90 minutes?

You could… 

List a company

Win the lottery

Rob a bank?!?

… or learn this skill set!

On top of all of the sales generated, Tony had the lives of thousands changed and transformed that day.

That was when I knew I HAD to learn this skill.

I didn’t really want to be a stage presenter…

But I knew that if someone who was JUST LIKE ME, could step on stage and in an HOUR make more money then I had made in a year…

...then I NEEDED to learn that skill,  



Maybe I wasn’t going to earn $1,000,000 like Tony, (or so I thought at the time)...

But what if this one skill could help make an extra $100,000 per year?

What would it be worth to learn THAT skill…?

Now, you’re probably wondering…

“bakit ang mura nito?”

Obviously, if you are going to enroll to each of these courses, it will cost you Php 15,500 all in all.


But, our goal is to help you out in your freelancing journey...

At kahit lang mura lang ito, we can assure that our videos sa trainings namin are top-rated.

Makikita niyo naman sa lahat ng mga reviews namin. And again, we received over 1,400+ Positive Reviews Sa Facebook Page namin that has over 130,000+ Followers na rin!

And since it's almost the end of the year na naman, we want to give you this limited time offer!

That's why this 15-in-1 Bundle Course is only...

     p15,500 p299 nalang!!!

Just $47 FREE ?!?

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.



“Peng Joon gave me these super insightful strategies that I’ve never heard anyone teaching… and I’m completely immersed in the world of internet marketing, business development, and Peng’s event was absolutely one of the best events I’ve ever attended.”

– James Friel

“I thought I knew a lot about events… until I came to this one. Peng Joon completely over-delivered and inspired me to bring my A-game even higher than before.”

– Natasha Hazlett

Here’s what others are saying about my IMMERSION TRAININGS

"After training with Peng Joon, I have learned how to monetise my brand, I have greater clarity on what direction I'm heading, and my business has been transformed and multiplied because of Peng Joon."

– Julius Dein

“I’m really excited to take this back to help influence more people. With Peng Joon’s system, there’s nothing left to chance, there’s nothing left undone.”

– Ben Richardson

“It’s easy to dismiss the level of deep work that Peng Joon has put in. Peng Joon has a super high level of success but when you couple that with a heart serve people, it the perfect storm of awesomeness.”

- Josh Latimer

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do You Provide Certificates?

Upon completion of all courses, receive the ultimate acknowledgment—15 certificates to validate your mastery. Your dedication deserves recognition, and we're proud to celebrate your achievement with a comprehensive set of certificates, showcasing your expertise across the 15 courses.

  • Do You Give Clients?

While we don't directly connect you with clients, we empower you with a valuable resource—our curated list of 100+ websites where you can apply for jobs. Take control of your freelancing journey by accessing a diverse range of opportunities. We provide the tools; your success is in your hands. Explore, apply, and thrive with our comprehensive job-seeking toolkit

  • Is This Lifetime Access?

Yes - You can enjoy a lifetime of learning without the hassle of monthly payments. Once enrolled, you gain unrestricted access to our e-learning website. No need for monthly subscriptions—your access lasts a lifetime. Dive into the courses at your own pace and revisit the content whenever you want

  • "Do You A Facebook Group Community?"

Yes, we have an exclusive Facebook group with over 75,000+ students. You can connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and gain valuable support on your learning journey. Elevate your experience by becoming part of a dynamic community that thrives on collaboration and shared success.

  • "How About Group Chat?"

Yes - we have Facebook group chat, Telegram group, and a Discord Community. Whether you prefer the familiar environment of Facebook, the convenience of Telegram, or the versatility of Discord, we've got you covered.

“BUT WHAT IF I’M NOT A SPEAKER? What if I’ve never made a single speech ever ?”

As I mentioned before, I wasn’t a speaker either. I was shy, and introverted. (I still am)… but I knew I needed that skill!.  I’ve gone through all of those hard-lessons and learning curves for you, so you don’t have to.

“BUT WHAT IF I’M NOT A SPEAKER? What if I’ve never made a single speech ever ?”

As I mentioned before, I wasn’t a speaker either. I was shy, and introverted. (I still am)… but I knew I needed that skill!.  I’ve gone through all of those hard-lessons and learning curves for you, so you don’t have to.

“So I don’t have to speak on STAGE?”

You can become a top-paid speaker without making ONE speech from the stage! Speaking on stage is just one way but you can utilise these strategies on other platforms like webinars, 1-1 sales, auto-webinars, Facebook, sales videos, and meetings.

“So I don’t have to speak on STAGE?”

You can become a top-paid speaker without making ONE speech from the stage! Speaking on stage is just one way but you can utilise these strategies on other platforms like webinars, 1-1 sales, auto-webinars, Facebook, sales videos, meetings.

“Can I really make good money as a NEW speaker, even if I’m not famous, and nobody knows me?”

Absolutely. Most of the time if I’m running ads, it’s being marketed to people who don’t know me. If I’m speaking on the stage, a large majority would only be hearing of me for the first time. People don’t buy because you’re famous. People will invest in your offer when it’s shown at the right time, to the right audience with the right message… and that’s what this event is about.

“Can I really make good money as a NEW speaker, even if I’m not famous, and nobody knows me?”

Absolutely. Most of the time if I’m running ads, it’s being marketed to people who don’t know me. If I’m speaking on the stage, a large majority would only be hearing of me for the first time. People don’t buy because you’re famous. People will invest in your offer when it’s shown at the right time, to the right audience with the right message… and that’s what this event is about.

Have other questions? Contact support directly at SUPPORT@SMOBBLE.COM.

Offer Ends When Timer Hit Zero!

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